Jimmy Stewart Once Paid Tribute To His Dog In Poem

"He never came to me when I would call, unless I had a tennis ball, or he felt like it, but mostly he didn't come at all." Stewart began, eliciting a series of chuckles from the audience. He went on to share about the ragtag antics of a less than well-behaved pooch who, despite his flaws, was loved dearly by his owners. Then the rhymes took a turn toward deep sentiment that reflected grief, loss, and remembrance: "And there are nights when I think I feel that stare, and I reach out my hand to stroke his hair, but he's not there. Oh, how I wish that wasn't so, I'll always love a dog named Beau" (via I Heart Dogs).

Stewart became visibly choked up as his voice cracked and he paused periodically in order to collect himself. The crowd was silent, and Carson had to hide his face in his hand to shield his own impending tears. As he finished, the audience burst into applause, and Carson extended a consoling pat on the back to Steward in a gesture of tender approval. 
