Clifford Dull Obituary, Death Cause – With Betty, the woman he loved more than anything else in the world, by his side, Clifford “Pete” Dull, who was 76 years old, died away in a quiet and serene manner in his cherished home. Betty was the single most important person in his life. Tiffin, Ohio was the location where Pete Dull was born on March 23, 1945. He was born in the United States. His mother and father were named Hilda (Miller) Dull and Harold Dull. This individual’s mother and father were named Hilda and Harold, respectively. The year 1964 marked the year when he was awarded his diploma from Tiffin Columbian High School.
He was awarded his diploma at the conclusion of the school. It was rumored that a number of Big Twelve schools were interested in recruiting him to play football; however, he declined their offers in order to maintain the financial stability of his family and to remain living in Tiffin while he pursued his football career. His induction into the Tiffin Columbian Athletic Hall of Fame was a recent award bestowed upon him by their organization. Because of his extraordinary athletic abilities, he was awarded this accolade in acknowledgment of his accomplishments. This honor was bestowed upon him as a result of his good faith.
Before spending the remaining 26 years of his career at Jeep, he spent a lot of years working as a tool and die welder at Dull’s Body Shop in Tiffin. He was there for a combined total of 26 years. It was a total of 26 years that he worked there as an employee. The presence of that individual at that area lasted for a considerable amount of time. The ceremony took place on March 2, 1968, and Betty Brough was the bride. The date of the wedding was March 2. Pete has never been anything other than an athlete, and he has always had a great desire to take part in many different sports.
The entirety of his childhood was spent participating in athletic activities. Participating in football and basketball leagues alongside his grandson and son, Troy, was one of the things that offered him a great deal of pleasure. He found that both of these activities brought him a lot of joy. They were able to outplay him, despite the fact that In spite of the fact that he consistently put the ball on a firm lie, he also took pleasure in playing golf with his grandchildren. Despite the fact that they were able to outplay him, this situation nonetheless occurred.
In his genuine interest, he had a wide selection of topics to choose from, which was fairly comprehensive. Whether he was tearing up the dance floor or cuddling up to “Unchained Melody” with his girlfriend Betty, you might find him enjoying either activity. It is possible to engage in either of these activities. Other activities that brought him joy were playing chess with his grandson, seeing his granddaughters compete in high school and college golf, and watching his granddaughters play chess. He also enjoyed watching his grandson play chess.
Whenever he had some spare time, one of his favorite things to do was to watch old western movies. It was a very pleasurable experience for him to take his dog Millie for a walk to and from the 7-Eleven. He delighted in the experience to a great extent. During that time period, he would covertly purchase a candy bar for himself and his grandchildren, taking special care to include the cautionary phrase “Don’t tell your grandmother.” as part of the transaction. Pete wore a genuine smile on his face, and he was willing to sacrifice anything for the people he loved about. He was willing to give up anything. Jesus Christ, the Lord, was the most important aspect of his being than everything else.